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Petro Dollar to CBDC

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are a form of digital currency issued by a country's central bank. Think its a good thing? THINK AGAIN!

Child Trafficking

This is the most evil and demonic business terrorizing the world today. Find out the sick reason WHY this is happening and lets stop it!

Naomi Wolf Hillsdale College

Supporting Video to VAX BioWeapon

Moon Hoax The Big Lie

It is pretty telling when you ask the astronauts that supposedly made the journey if it really happened. You be the judge!

911 Lie

September 11 was a date we will all remember. Was it really 2 planes that brought down the twin towers? I dont think so.. 

Disney is Wicked

Growing up Disney was everything. Maybe that was their plan all along. Don't mess with our kids!

Biden Bribes

I don't know about you but I am tired of the lies and deception. No way he is not "The Big Guy"

Maui Is Burning

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

MAUI follow up

What is happening on Maui is tragic! It's like we are back in the cowboy and indian days where  the government just took the land!

Tell - A - Vision

You are being programmed every day by that black box on your wall.  When you know you know!

Cocaine in the White House

How in the world does someone bring cocaine in the Whitehouse and not get caught? Must be someone very special!

VAX BioWeapon

Hard to dispute the fact that there were over one MILLION adverse affects to the covid19 vaccination.

Covid Panel

Supporting Video to VAX BioWeapon

Weather Modification

Some people think it crazy to believe that the government and NASA can control the weather. Is it? H.A.A.R.P.

The Good Old Days

Did you know we had electric cars in the 1940's? How about a car that could run on water coast to coast on 24 gallons?

Disney 2

I found this video on telegram app. It exposes all the disney videos and the grooming that was right in front of out eyes and we did not see it.

The Money Hole

If you or I created the dollar from our basement we go to jail! Find out who creates money from thin air, you may be surprised to know it is not just the FED.

CAM's RANT 8-16-23

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.


TRUMP WON! They know it! I know it! You know it! It is time for his return and a major clean up!

The Greatest Show On Earth

Found this on Telegram.  Awesome insight to the near future events. One of the many MUST WATCH!



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